Dispelling the Myth: Protein Bars and Contest Prep


I am getting ready for my November 19th contest, the NPC Texas State Naturals promoted by Dave “The Texas Shredder” Goodin.  Most who have been involved in dieting for a bodybuilding competition have at one point or another probably heard something like…..”Hey bro, you have got to cut out the protein bars if you want to get ripped”!!!  I want to put that to rest. I have (for the third time this year) used Quest Protein Bars extensively during all phases of my contest diets.

As my diet progresses and my carbs are reduced on certain days, the Quest Bars have become an easy, portable source of high quality protein and healthy fats all in one convenient package.

This current prep has been challenging for me in that I have had to travel a lot in the last 12 weeks. Food choices in airports, in the sky, and at hotels can be very limited for a dieting bodybuilder, and I can only travel with a limited supply of my normal foods. Quest Protein Bars have played a key role in keeping me fed without compromising my nutritional needs. I had one day in particular that due to travel delays I subsisted on my normal breakfast at home along with five Quest Peanut Butter bars throughout the day. Do I believe this is optimal….NO!!! But, it did get me through and allowed my diet to stay on track.  If you are counting macronutrients down to the last gram, the bars make it very easy to know EXACTLY what you are getting.

I am a firm believer that whole foods should always be the first choice, but Quest Protein Bars can fill the gap if needed or added to a diet for a great tasting alternative to the usual fare. In fact, I consider the bars to be a whole food due to the high quality ingredients, abundant fiber content, and lack of unnecessary additives.

Below is an example of how I have incorporated the Quest Bars into a day in my plan:

Meal 1: 3:00AM    1/2C. oats, 30g whey/casein mix

4:15-5:45AM  TRAIN and CARDIO

Meal 2: 6:00AM    1/2C.oats, 30g whey/casein mix

Meal 3: 8:00AM    6 egg Whites w/2oz. lean beef and spinach, 1/2C. oats

Meal 4: 10:30AM  6oz. chicken breast, 2C. Veges, 1T. almond butter

Meal 5: 1:00PM    6oz. tilapia, 2C.veges, 1T.almond butter

Meal 6: 4:00PM    Quest Protein Bar, 20g whey/casein mix

5:00PM    CARDIO

Meal 7: 7:00PM   6oz. Top Round, 4C. salad, 1T. olive oil

Meal 8: 9:00PM    Quest Protein Bar