Quest Bar Demos!

 Quest will be at a handful of Vitamin Shoppe’s nation wide this week! Check out the full list below and be sure to stop by, say hello, and try some free bars!
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1.  VS  at 4333 Everhard Road Northwest #2 North Canton, Oh  44718
     January 12:  12 to 3pm
2.  VS at 20273 Route 19 Cranberry Twp, PA  16066
     January 12:  10 to 1pm
3.  VS at 2086A Broadway New York, NY
     January 12:  12 to 3pm
4.  VS  at 14771 Hall Road Shelby Twp, MI
     January 12:  230-530pm
5.  VS at 310 Northeast 103rd St Seattle, WA
     January 12: 12 to 3pm
6.  VS  at 2747 North Clark Street Chicago, Il
     January 12:  230-530pm
7.  VS at 1590 North Clybourn Ave Chicago, Il
     January 12:  11 to 2pm
8.  VS  at 185 US Highway No 1S Woodbridge, NJ
     January 12:  12 to 3pm
9.  VS at 300 John Road Troy, MI
     January 12:  11 to 2pm
10.  VS at 1540 Olentanary River Road Columbus, Ohio
      January 12:  11 to 2pm
11.  VS at 1935 East Camelback Road Phoenix, AZ
       January 12:  12 to 3pm
12.  VS at 3033 West Peoria, Ave, Phoenix, AZ
       January 12:  12 to 3pm
13.  VS at 5600 East 7th St Long Beach, CA
        January 12:  11 to 2pm
14.  VS at 101 N. Fairfax Ave Los Angeles, CA
       January 12:  12 to 3pm
15.  LA Fitness Customer Appreciation Day Northridge, CA
       January 15:  4 to 7pm