Quest Fit: The JK Workout

Quest Fit

This week’s workout of the week comes from Quest Nutrition’s very own Jessica Kelly! Jessica is both a cross-fitter & yogi who lives and breaths the Quest Mindset. Personal growth is the highest priority of all Team Quest Members and her workout is meant to push and empower you as you strive towards your best self.

To submit your workout of the week, email [email protected] to possibly be featured!

Warm up: 
Play the song “Roxanne” by the Police – every time they sing the name “Roxanne” do a burpee. Listen closely and enjoy the slow start because it gets spicy in the middle through the end!
3 rounds of the following: focus on form vs. time 
  • 5 strict pull-ups (use a resistance band for assistance if needed or substitute ring rows)
  • 10 push-ups (do as many as you can regularly, then switch to hand-release as a 2nd alternative; on your knees as a 3rd alternative)
  • 15 air squats (bum below your hip crease at bottom; extend hips at top. On the 15th one for each round, hang out in the bottom of the squat with hands together in prayer, use your elbows to drive knees away from each other, giving your hips a juicier stretch, sway from right to left a bit to open up hips more)


  • 1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9-10 rep scheme – 2 movements: thrusters/burpees over barbell
  • thrusters (Rx 95 guys / 65 girls; scaled 45 guys/ 35 girls (just the barbell, no weight))
  • burpee over the bar* (do a burpee, instead of clapping hands at top, jump over the barbell – for multiple burpees in a row, make sure you turn around to face barbell to do your burpee)
  • E.g. Round 1 = 1 thruster, 1 burpee over barbell; Round 2 = 2 thrusters, 2 burpees over barbell… and so on until 10 thrusters and 10 burpees over barbell are completed.
  • (*ab mat butterfly sit ups can be replaced for burpees if you got your fill of burpees from Roxanne)