13 Reactions To The Release of a New Quest Nutrition Product
It’s a regular ol’ day. That’s part of a regular ol’ week. That’s part of a regular ol’ mon… you get the idea.

… until you’re on your phone and see a teaser for something new from Quest… WHAT.


Oh yeah, some of your friends might think you’re losing it.

But who cares? You know this is worth losing it. Definitely. Certainly. 100%. No questions asked.

Before you know it though, you’ve passed out from sheer excitement.

A few hours later, you wake up, check for updates, see nothing… and then go back to sleep.

~You’re up all night to…~ well, refresh your feed and check for updates.

And then… that moment arrives. A NEW QUEST PRODUCT. It’s official!

Pre-orders open, and suddenly everyone you know is rushing to get their fix. Everyone.

Now… we wait. Patiently. (for the most part…)

When you hear the delivery guy ring your doorbell…

Nah, let’s not kid anyone. You’re not walking down those stairs, you’ve found the quickest way to get the door obviously.

A few minutes later though… you’ve got it. It’s yours. FINALLY!