14 Ryan Gosling Reactions To Quest Bars

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#QuestFun Featured


Have you ever had someone try to give you a protein bar that isn’t a Quest Bar?



I mean, seriously, they’ve got to be joking, right?



Because – let’s face it – there’s no bar like a Quest Bar.



I mean, do they even know how you react when you catch your friend trying to steal one of your Quest Bars?



Or when someone has the nerve to ask you if they can “try one”?



Or what’s going through your mind every time you take that last bite?



Before you know it though, it’s all gone.



Ugh. Imagine having to resort to eating cereal instead…



Yeah… that’s not happening. Ever.



And when out of the blue, someone offers you one of their Quest Bars –



… but then tell you that they were only kidding.



You eventually cave and get yourself another box; and when it arrives, you promise to yourself that you’re never going to let your Quest Bars go.



… yeah, right.



…like that’s EVER going to happen.


Get your Quest Bars here – http://bit.ly/QJr9XS