3 Steps to Reaching your New Years Goal


We all have goals in life.  Maybe it’s losing weight and getting in the best shape of your life, or being the best in your career, or winning the next bodybuilding show.  Whatever your goals are, working toward a specific goal and honoring your competitive edge along the way is human nature and wanting to be successful is something to be admired.  Here is how to push yourself to the limit and reach your final destination no matter how big your goal.

Push you self as hard as possible.  If you are trying to lose weight and transform your body, put in extra time in the gym or even invest in a personal trainer.  If you are trying to be the best in your career, study the best people in your career and follow in their footsteps.  Your assertiveness and willingness to make personal improvements will increase your chance of success.  Success is never achieved over night.  It is an ongoing process that takes hard work and motivation.

Dream Big but Start Small.  It is perfectly acceptable to have big dreams!  No matter what you want to achieve, you need to first start small and write down your smaller goals first.  Accomplishing small goals first in order to get to your final destination makes the whole process a lot easier.  This also helps you from getting discouraged.  If your goal is to be a professional bodybuilder, start by competing in as many shows as you can.  Train hard and prepare yourself well in advance so you have plenty of time to train hard, follow a strict diet and get in the best shape possible.

Keep your eye on the end result.  It is natural to want to want more in life, achieve more or make more money.  You need to stay focused and don’t get discouraged by losses or setbacks.  Instead of getting discouraged or burned out, take even the losses in strides.  Be sure to reward yourself for the small victories and achievements in life.  Don’t take your eye off the bigger picture because it can take years to accomplish your ultimate goal.  Hard work and perseverance will pay off!!

