5 Jump Rope Moves for Better Abs
Try Janine’s Five Jump Rope Moves for Better Abs
Jumping rope is one of the most effective overall body workouts for any age level. It provides a great workout, can be done from anywhere, and is a lot of fun. In addition, jumping rope holds a multitude of benefits above more traditional forms of cardio, including fat loss, increased mental acuity, upper body muscle development and also serves as a natural mood enhancer.
Start with the first exercise for one minute, then rest for 30 seconds before continuing on to the next. Repeat the circuit until you get to the top, then start again.
Circuit should be performed three times. Total time 21 minutes

1. JUMP ROPE — Just your standard jump rope you’ve done since elementary school.
2. KNEE UP — With this one the key is to raise your knees as high as possible. Either together or raising one leg on one jump and the opposite leg on the next.

3. OPEN & CLOSE — This exercise helps with upper leg muscles, think of this as a jumping jack with a jump rope.

4. CRISS CROSS — This one’s a bit more tricky, but you’re going to look so cool once you finally nail it. The key is consistency, if you’re not getting it at first, keep with it!

5. TWISTS — this is your standard jump rope with a twist. Literally! You’re going to use your core to pivot your lower body with every jump. This targets side abdominal muscles.