Athlete Spotlight: Lauren Frahn
My name is Lauren Frahn and I am a nationally published fitness model, Labrada Nutrition sponsored athlete and inspirational author. My true desire is to help and inspire. I will stop at nothing to help MOTIVATE and ENCOURAGE others EVERY single chance that I can get! My writing credits to-date have been fitness-related and inspirational blogs online. I am a frequent contributor to numerous online publications, including Labrada Nutrition’s online blog forum, Muscle & Fitness HERS, and Status Fitness. I am the founder of LCF INSPIRATIONS CORPORATION, with a mission to help inspire and motivate the masses.

I am often asked how I got involved in fitness and the truth is that I have pretty much had a “fixation” with health for as long as I can truly remember. Why, you ask? Well, everyone has a story, right? My passion for fitness was developed years back. Let’s just say that I was not the “fittest” kid on the block growing up. I was active, but I also loved my food. As a result, I was a bit overweight and as a result, became “uncomfortable” in my own skin. I decided that I was going to “diet”, except that “diet” took a pretty extreme form.
I entered into a battle with Anorexia Nervosa by the early age of 11 years old. It was many years of hearing that my life was at stake before I decided that I was going to actually fight back. I did a lot of “research” during those years and I got to the point where I knew that I wanted to be healthy again. I learned a tremendous amount about proper nutrition and exercise, and am proud to say, at the extremely young age of 15, that I made the decision to recover…Yes, while I am a very big lover, I am also an even bigger “fighter.” Seventeen years after making that decision, I am in the best shape of my life and I aim to improve each and every day. While fitness undoubtedly helps to improve lives, it literally saved mine!

I want to pay it forward and help as MANY as I possibly can! While many go through the opposite struggle, where they are looking to lose weight to improve their health (vs. my having to gain weight to save mine), the truth is that the STRUGGLE is still the same. I would even be bold enough to say that the battle of Anorexia perhaps is even MORE difficult – Yes, contrary to what many would believe, having to GAIN weight for someone struggling with this disorder is, in my opinion, harder than someone who is overweight having to LOSE it. But regardless, it can be done! I AM PROOF! If I did it, than so can Y-O-U!! We are NO different! (Read that again!)
I love motivational writing, hence my writings, which I call my “Words Beneath Wings”. So while I am a bond broker by trade and a sponsored athlete in the fitness industry by passion, I spend every minute of my free time writing, with the pure hope of helping as many people as possible.
I do my best to live my words each and every day. Is it easy all of the time? ABSOLUTELY NOT! When I write, often times, I am writing to MYSELF!! Just as much as I love to see others reach for their dreams, I too, am a dreamer! I am walking right along with each and every one of my readers on the path to making dreams a reality! Not only do I know that my readers can achieve anything, but I hold that same outlook for myself!
Best wishes and SO MANY BLESSINGS!!
Lauren Christine Frahn (“LCF”)
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