Being Who I Choose to Be

Featured Transformations
Dr. Segura back in 2009
Dr. Segura back in 2009

I am a 35-year-old mother of two and former medical doctor. I have undergone a 60 lb. weight loss transformation and am in the best shape of my life. I am currently an Oddo’s Angel trained athlete and national bikini competitor. I have a blog on a fitness website, am a published fitness writer, have been spotlighted on, and will soon be featured for my physical transformation on I am currently guest judging regional NPC competitions and am working towards becoming an official judge. I am happy with these accomplishments but I am looking to become even more involved in the fitness industry. I see every opportunity as a way to help inspire others and to try to reach out to other women who may be in the situation I was in a little over a year ago.

A little over a year ago I never would have expected to ever be able to write such a description about myself. Why? Because if you rewind to six years ago, I was a surgery intern working 80+ hours a week, surviving on hospital cafeteria food with sky-high cortisol levels and zero interest or energy to exercise. I began to gain weight easily and couple that with two pregnancies nine months apart, I weighed my heaviest at 175 lbs. on a 5’5″ frame. I had quit practicing medicine in order to care for my children and had some regrets about that decision. For an overachiever like myself, no goal to work for is quite frankly depressing. I became very unhappy and settled into just being an overweight mother.

The turning point in my life and the catalyst for me beginning my fitness journey happened when I picked up a Muscle and Fitness Hers magazine and saw pictures of the competitors. I had no idea that the fitness industry and competitions existed. I saw several stories of women who had made physical transformations and were now competitors. I decided that I was done being overweight and set a goal of competing in a bikini competition within one year. I created a Facebook page and announced my goal to friends and family so that I could both inspire them to take the journey with me and to keep myself accountable.

"I see every opportunity as a way to help inspire others and to try to reach out to other women who may be in the situation I was in a little over a year ago."
“I see every opportunity as a way to help inspire others and to try to reach out to other women who may be in the situation I was in a little over a year ago.”

I began reading as much as I could about eating healthy, the proper diet and training to lose weight and build muscle. In the beginning I wasn’t educated on nutrition labels and my only educator on “healthy” food was that from media and advertising. It wasn’t until I began researching and educating myself on nutrition and the impacts of foods on our bodies that I realized that so many “healthy” foods were not truly “healthy” at all. There were so many fillers, sugars, and processed ingredients in these products that once I became educated, I had a difficult time finding that quick, delicious protein source I could turn to as a busy mother. In addition, I have a horrible and insatiable sweet tooth that I had difficulty satisfying while trying to stay on track with my goals. That is, until I found QUEST!

Brandy is now a national level bikini competitor having placed second at her first competition.
Brandy is now a national level bikini competitor having placed second at her first competition.

The first day that I tried a Quest Bar, I became a loyal, life-long consumer. In addition, I relentlessly try to educated friends, family, and strangers on healthy eating and promote Quest products to everyone I can. I do this because I believe in these products and know first hand how HUGE of a difference these products can make in the lives of those undergoing transformations and who are looking for that “holy grail” of products that is healthy and nutritious, protein packed, and tastes amazing. With so many flavor options, Quest satisfies that sweet tooth EVERY time. My children even request the “brownie bar!” I may have transformed my body but Quest has definitely transformed my LIFE. There is not a single day that goes by that a Quest Bar has not been consumed at my house. We are a family of loyal Quest consumers and I wouldn’t have it any other way.

Now that I have transformed my life, it is my goal to help those around me and to be a source of inspiration as well as information. I happily spread the news of Quest products and healthy eating because IT’S NEVER TOO LATE. No matter what your age or size, you can choose to be healthy and fit. It takes hard work and time but if you decide NOW to be WHAT YOU WANT TO BE it will be worth it. I have come to realize that no success or failure defines me; no man or woman can make or break me. My age does not limit me. I am who and what I choose to be. If I can do this, so can you and Quest can help you get there!

You can find Dr. Brandy Segura at:
