Circuit Train for Ultimate Fat Loss
As much as I love bodybuilding training; deadlifts, squats, curls, etc, circuit training has it’s place in my training plan. I use it when I’m short on time, want to get cardio in with my training session, and to keep my heart rate up. Circuit training increases your power, strength and endurance which results in an awesome intense workout!
Here is an example of a circuit training plan.
Upper Body Circuit
5 minute treadmill warmup
Dips to failure
1 minute burpees
Pull Ups to failure
1 minute mountain climbers
Biceps curls 8-10 reps
1 minute burpees
Tricep Kickback 8-10 reps
1 minute mountain climbers
Dumbbell Chest Press 8-10 reps
1 minute push ups
end with 5 minute treadmill run
Beginners: Do circuit once
Intermediate: Repeat 2x
Advanced: Repeat 3x
**Remember do not focus on how fast you can finish focus on every rep and feeling the burn. Now you can make a similar circuit for lower body. I highly recommend a heart rate monitor so you always stay in the zone!**