A delicious recipe from Clotilde Chaumet for Quest Chocolate Cashew and Coconut Cookies!
They’re not baked, very simple, and absolutely healthy. Makes three cookies!
What you need:
-2 Chocolate Brownie Quest Nutrition Bars
-1 Handful soaked cashews (all night in water, rinse)
-1 tbsp coconut milk ( not melted,from a can)
-1/2 tbsp Lemon juice –
1. Cut some pieces of the Chocolate Brownie Quest bar and form round shapes with your hands..
2. Mix the soaked cashew in a blender and add the coconut milk and the lemon’s juice.
3. Mix again a little.
4. Form round shapes with your hands with the coconut and cashew paste.
5. Store this (not the chocolate !) in the fridge for two hours.
6. Take it from the fridge and make a sandwich using one chocolate cookie, one cashew and coconut, and another chocolate on top again.
Nutritionals (makes three): Calories: 178. Fat 9g. Active carbs: 6g (13g fiber, 1.7g sugar) Protein 15g.
You can find Clotilde at: