High Intensity Interval Training with Janine Delaney
The workout below will only take you 30 minutes a day and will help you achieve (a) cardio endurance (b) overall conditioning (c) strength and (d) flexibility. These type of exercises are my favorite way to train because they provide an overall workout and can be done from anywhere. Not only will they have you looking good, but feeling good as well!
Start with the first exercise for one minute, then rest for 30 seconds before continuing on to the next. Repeat the circuit until you get to the top, then start again.
Circuit should be performed three times. Total time 30 minutes
#1: Butt Jump Kick
The butt jump kick is a form of dynamic cardio which is great for building endurance and strength. I will warn you it’s a tough one, but you will quickly get addicted. This move will get your glutes, hamstrings and quads fired up while increasing your overall stamina. Make sure to go into a deep squat when you do this exercise and fire up as high as you can with the jump. Think of a string pulling your body up into the air and then give it a burst of energy and kick your heels to your booty!

#2 Jumping Jack
Jumping jacks are a classic exercise, but they should always be a staple in any training program. Jumping jacks get your body moving in all directions and help with fat burn, as well as developing shoulder strength. Plus, they are a lot of fun. When you perform a jumping jack, make sure your posture is on point and you are not slouching or giving half of an effort. The jumping jack should be a “purposeful” move with lots of energy and hand-clapping. You can intensify the jumping jack by adding small resistance bands around your lower calves. This will create tension on the glutes and you will feel an amazing burn.

#3 Straight Leg Kick
The straight leg kick is great for flexibility and range of motion. It allows you to increase your flexibility and focus on quad strength. Make sure you are not cheating and bending your knee. Flex your heel and kick your leg as high as you can, then touch your toe. You may notice one leg is more flexible than the other. That is normal. Keep practicing and eventually your flexibility should increase on both sides. Don’t forget to keep your core engaged for the extra tummy flattening benefits.
#4 Ab Twists (ball optional for added challenge)
AB twists are a perfect core exercise to engage all parts of your abdomen, including lower, mid and obliques. Make sure to hold your tummy tight and legs straight while moving side to side. The slower the better. Point your toes and remember to breath. You may find using a mat more comfortable for this one. Adding a small medicine ball and passing it between hands as you alternate sides provides added challenge. You may get sore the next day from these, but it’s worth it.

#5 Plank Hold
Plank holds are a great way to develop core and back strength. Holding this movement increases muscle endurance. When doing a plank, form is critical. Sometimes it’s a good idea to take a video of yourself to make sure everything is in position. You may be surprised at what you see and this will allow you to more easily correct your position. When doing a plank, your head should be down, your elbows in line with your shoulders and your booty towards the floor, not sticking up. Hold the position and squeeze everything.
I know you will love this workout as much as I do because it does not require you to spend hours at the gym, but still has the perfect balance of exercises to hit each body part. It will increase your heart rate and help boost your metabolism to burn off all of those holiday goodies. Try and wake up a little early every morning to get this workout in and then enjoy the rest of the day guilt free!