Transformation Tuesday | Getting Competition Ready


My name is Nicole Wong. I am 22 years old and live in New York. Although I had always been happy and confident with my body, I did not realize how overweight I was until my annual physical a few years ago. Sitting at 150 pounds (and only 5’2), my doctor told me that I needed to change my unhealthy habits. My brother Chris introduced me into the fitness lifestyle and really helped jump start my weight loss.


He would train me in the comfort of our home and show me around his gym where he was the head personal trainer. I am not going to lie, I was nervous to start this journey because I was overweight and really didn’t know how to do anything workout-related. I did not want to look like a fool. Chris had such a positive attitude and motivated me so much. He never made me feel bad about myself and that is where the real passion for this fitness lifestyle began.

I had joined a new gym, Blink Fitness, and started working out using all of the techniques I learned from my brother. By this time, I was a senior in college. I wasn’t able to get to the gym every day due to class, but I felt good about prepping my meals and getting in about 4 workouts a week. I graduated in May of 2014 with a B.Tech in graphic design and managed to obtain the honors of Summa Cum Laude. I felt great about my achievements, but didn’t know what to do next.


In the back of my head, I knew I wanted to compete but I first wanted to see if I had what it took to do so. Although I was hired to work as a full time graphic designer right after graduation, I knew that the time was now to make a big leap in my fitness journey. I decided to step it up a notch and contacted coach Amber Fokken. I started a 12-week nutrition and workout plan with her in September of 2014. I was blown away by the results and knew that I should set a new goal to compete. Since then, I have been working hard under the guidance of Amber to reach my goals. I am currently following IIFYM and lifting heavy. I am proud to say that I will be a first time competitor in the WNBF figure division in June!


I would not have been nearly as successful with my fitness journey if I did not have such a strong support system. The people I see every day – my family and my boyfriend – support every choice I have made. Their words of encouragement and motivation help push me that extra mile. You know they’re keepers when they help prep your weekly meals! 😉

My coach Amber is, of course, a huge help. Weekly check-ins with her are always a confidence booster and make me feel good about what I am doing. And last but not least, my awesome Instagram followers (as cheesy as that may sound!) I created my fitness Instagram account about the same time that I started working with Amber in September. Since then, I have gained such great followers. They are always so supportive of my journey and their kindness is unreal. I love seeing the progress that they make on their fitness journeys too; it is an all around benefit!


I am currently continuing to work with Amber to get competition ready! I am enjoying this journey and love being faced with all sorts of challenges to reach my ultimate goal of a healthy and happy life.

5 things I’ve learned on my journey –

1. Being on a fitness journey is 100% mental. When I want to give up I think to myself, is this a legitimate reason to stop or am I being lazy and making excuses? Your body is able to push itself to incredible limits, it is the mind that needs training and discipline!

2. I have practiced both healthy eating and IIFYM and personally enjoy counting my macros so much more. It allows me to have that small cheat and not impact my nutrition at all. Find what works for you.


3. If you fail to prepare, you prepare to fail. I personally find that if I do not prep my meals and tell myself that I will make healthy choices, I do not do so. When I have all of my meals already cooked and portioned out for me, it is so much easier to just grab and go without thinking twice.

4. Be inspired! Look for inspiration, it is ALL around you. This helps me keep going on days when I just want to stay home and be lazy.

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5. Stay around people who support you and motivate you. It is vital to have a good support system to keep you in check and happy!

Follow Nicole on her official Instagram!

Team Quest – We are here for you! Share your transformations and triumphs with us on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, or email them to us at social@QuestNutrition.comRemember that these transformations took hard work, discipline and a plan. Quest products are a delicious component of, and not a substitute for, an exercise regimen and effective diet. The Quest Community is always there for you if you need help, inspiration or motivation!