Transformation Tuesday I Billy Keleman
My name is Billy Keleman and I developed this new lifestyle after a roller coaster of personal and professional events that led me to a sad reality of being unhealthy, unhappy, and unmotivated.
Like many others, I have always struggled with weight my entire life. One thing that always held true (and still does today) is that I LOVE TO EAT. I ate when I wanted to celebrate, and I ate when I had to commiserate. I tried to keep up at the gym but I always quit because I never got the results that I wanted, no matter how much effort I was putting in at the gym. I didn’t understand the impact that my food choices were having on my overall health because I assumed that working out would affect my physique more than the food I put in my body.

As I got older, I saw my weight climb 5-10 pounds every year and hopelessly blamed it on age. In 2010, I lost another battle with the economy and I lost everything – my house, my business, my car, and my hope. Months went by, and my lack of motivation became a growing depression as my physical and mental health suffered equally. Finally, with the support of my family and fiancée, I took my first step into a gym after months of hopelessness. This time, I was careful about what I ate as I had to be mindful of not only my waistline but also my wallet. I began to plan out my meals the way I would budget my finances. I had more energy than I have had for years, and so I overcame my own theory about age getting the best of my health. I stopped blaming my circumstances and started to take control of my life, one day at a time. The more careful I was with my meal planning, the more I saw my body transform. With the physical transformation came a mental restoration of self-respect and desire to achieve greater goals.
Unlike past setbacks, I opened up about this struggle to my family and friends. I connected with people who were going through similar difficulties, and I told them about how I learned to recover physically and the direct effect it had on my motivation in other aspects of my life. I shared my journey with my friends on Facebook and Instagram, and I found encouragement and motivation in this community that continued to grow with me along my journey. I shared the support I received with those who wanted to join me in this journey by sharing tips that I found had worked for me. Eventually, these tips turned into advice and recipes depicted through my photos and videos. I was able to lose over 50 lbs. the first 6 months and a little bit more than 10 lbs. the last three months to really dial in the six pack.

All in all, I lost over 60 lbs. in less than a year and have been able to not only keep it off, but maintain it and show others how to do it as well. At first, all I did was cardio and that didn’t work at all. It was then that I started to do my research and understood that I needed to lift weights or have resistance style exercises to help build muscle which in turned burned more calories. My workouts are very simple and still use th same ones till this day. Some of the most important exercises, I believe, are bench press, deadlifts, squats, and overhead shoulder press. My main motto is “K.I.S.S.”- Keep it simple stupid. And same goes for cardio. I just did what worked and it was simply stair master or treadmill on high incline. I don’t like to run at all so I merely just walk, faster. I worked out an average of 5-6 days a week consistently.
With my diet, I learned to eat lean proteins and nutrient dense food. Being in a caloric deficit was absolutely key. I am a strict dieter but I am not a restrictive dieter. Most of all my foods were cooked at home and prepped in advance. I believe in the 5 p’s which are: proper preparation prevents poor performance. I used Quest Bars for my snacks and doubled up on them as meals when I’m on the run. The reason why Quest Bars have been such an important part of my diet is because they simply taste great and have all the nutrients I need to keep me going. Through my first transformation, not a single calorie was counted or tracked. I merely just made sure I ate adequate protein, low fats, and moderate carbs. I had and still have approximately an average of 5 meals a day. It helps control my hunger and is a system that works really well for me.

I’m excited to share the hard work I’ve put into organizing my system into a program of simple yet effective techniques that is made with the busy individual in mind – someone like me, with a family and a full-time career that seems to demand all of my time and energy. This program is not some fad or crash diet – this is a lifestyle that I hope will change not just a number on a scale but rather your outlook on health and fitness and a focus on how far you’ve come instead of how far you have to go. Please visit and follow me on Facebook and Instagram.
Like I’ve always shared with many others: At the end of the day, its NOT about the diet; its NOT about the workouts, but its simply about what being healthy can enhance ALL areas of your life. That’s what fitness has done for me.

Five Tips from Billy:
1. “You are the average of the 5 people you spend the most time with.” – Jim Rohn With that being said, surround yourself with like minded individuals with the same goals. This will really help you stay focused on your goals as well as having an accountability partner/group.
2. Turn your “shoulds” into a “must.” So instead of saying, “ I should go to the gym, or I should eat better, or I should do cardio…… change those words! The positive language will change your actions as well. “I must go to the gym, or I must eat better” sounds so much better and will surely transpire through your daily actions.
3. Invest in making your health a top priority. As you get older, the significance of materialistic things become secondary to your well being, happiness, and quality of life.
4. Failing forward. Make mistakes. Lots of them. We learn our greatest lessons from failures which lead us to triumphs. Don’t be afraid to try something new. Fear is fake. Failure is inevitable, but its how you handle yourself during those times that builds your true strength.
5. Do not ever focus on being perfect to inspire others. Allow others to get inspired by how you deal with your imperfections. I am not perfect and will never be, but I will never stop striving to become the best version of myself; as should you!