Five Social Media Tips to a Happier and Healthier You
Nowadays, it is difficult to imagine a world without social media – it is everywhere! The moment people have free time they are frantically reaching for their smart phone, tablet, or computer to check the latest tweets, posts, updates, etc., on the ever-growing number of social media platforms.
Social media, just like anything else, can be used for both good and evil. So have you asked yourself: “Is social media helping or hindering my health, fitness, and life goals?”
This sounds obvious, but it is an important question to answer and even more important to make sure social media is helping you! Here are five great tips to help you help yourself using social media
1. Stay Accountable
Perhaps the most beneficial aspect of using social media to support a happy, healthy, and fit lifestyle is the accountability factor! By simply letting your family, friends, followers, and supporters know what your intentions are you will be more likely to follow through. This simple tactic can keep you on track and foster a much greater sense of responsibility – not only with yourself, but the people you shared your intentions with! So if you’re a diehard social media user (or someone searching for a bit more accountability), than let your health and fitness goals be heard! You’ll be surprised how responsible you will feel to yourself and others by simply stating your intentions and making regular updates on them!
2. Seek Motivation
Just like the heading states, seek out motivation on social media. Make sure that your social media feeds are filled with your greatest inspirations. Routinely being exposed to motivational quotes, images, and people will likely lead to greater short and long-term success! This is a great way to be constantly motivated and reminded that you have what it takes to succeed! Also, consider unfollowing sources of negativity in your news feed. There are literally thousands of public figures, athletes, musicians, and role models to follow so make sure you choose positive ones!
3. Discover New Ideas
In addition to accountability and motivation, social media can also generate new, create, and fun ideas! Athletes, fitness enthusiasms, and trained professionals will often post tips, tricks, nutritional guidance, or workout routines to incorporate into your life – embrace this advice! You most certainly don’t need to listen to everything people say, but it is a great opportunity to integrate new ideas and chance up your routine(s). Whether you’re looking for a new workout, recipe, or tasty protein bar, social media can definitely supply a plethora of credible information – so use it!
4. Connect With Others
Aside from getting support from your family, friends, and followers, you can find addition support from people with similar goals and intentions. There will be plenty of other people out there with very similar goals. What’s more, you can help each other stick to your goals, encourage each other, and build a new friendship. Reaching out to role models, or inspirations, on social media is also an option. You’d be astonished how helpful, supportive, and responsive the people you admire may be!
5. Don’t Let Social Media Bring You Down
Remember, you are looking at people’s highlight reel, you are looking at professional athlete’s progress photos, you are reading tweets and posts that have been carefully crafted from information they are willing to share. Don’t compare yourself to someone else’s “social media life” because it is not necessarily a fair comparison. You might think they look perfect, or have a perfect life but I can assure you that there is plenty going on behind the scenes including failures, hard times, and disappointments. Also, there is plenty of work going into posting that “perfect” photo like lighting, editing, dieting, tanning, shaving, etc. If you find that you can’t help but compare yourself to the people you follow and feel badly about yourself then you have two options. You can either unfollow this person or you can change your attitude toward this person by focusing on doing YOUR best, not trying to be THE best. It is essential that you feel good, remain positive, and keep moving toward your goals!
So that is it – five quick and easy tips to make social media work for you not against you. Whether you love it, or hate it, it seems like social media is here to stay! So why not embrace it and make it work for you? Go on, give it a try and set yourself up for success!
You can find Zane at:
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