Weight Loss Transformation: Julie Thibeault

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Body Transformation Transformations

Half My Size!

I had always been a bigger girl and dreaded things that most other girls enjoyed, like shopping for new clothes and going to the beach. These activities are supposed to be fun, but to me, they felt like a chore.

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After having my first child in December of 2007, I decided it was time to make some major changes in my life. Not only was I uncomfortable in my own skin, but I now had a little one to think about, too. I was on maternity leave for a while, so it was a bit easier for me to build new habits and change my lifestyle than others might have. I went on walks during the day and started eating healthier. Shortly after, I found out I was pregnant again, so needless to say… my weight loss journey was quickly put on hold.

Julie pregnant

My mentality became, “I’m pregnant and eating for two now,” so I stopped at nothing. I would eat what I wanted, when I wanted, and I would dread the doctor’s appointments knowing that I would have to step on the horrible scale. I still remember my last weigh-in before giving birth to my daughter; I was 240 lbs! I couldn’t believe it! I’d gained over 50lbs alone during pregnancy. I knew it was time. Enough was enough. It wasn’t just about me anymore; it was about getting in shape and being healthy for me, my family and my kids.

I started by doing cardio kickboxing classes twice a week and pursued eating better. The weight dropped quickly and I loved the results I was seeing. Eventually I plateaued, so I had to kick it up a notch. After years of kickboxing and other various classes, I introduced weights into my routine, which really made a difference. I once thought weight training was for guys (or those that wanted to bulk up). In my head, for women, it was all about cardio… boy was I wrong!

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Once I started weight training, I was becoming a lot more toned and defined. I was finally starting to achieve the body I always wanted! I met a friend at the gym who shared the same passion for fitness and we started working out on a daily basis. It came to a point where we just weren’t getting the results we truly wanted so we decided to seek advice from a personal trainer. Since starting with a personal trainer, my diet is even cleaner and plus a personalized training plan, I’ve lost an additional 10 lbs and developed a lot of lean muscle.

I was always told to stay away from protein bars, because of all the sugars and added ingredients. That was, until being introduced to Quest Bars!! OMG where have these been all my life?! They are amazing and surely help when you’re having that sweet craving. And the bonus: you don’t feel guilty about it after 🙂

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A huge thanks goes out to my immediate support system who have been there for me through it all and have encouraged me to keep going even through the tough times. There are 4 important people that I would like to shout out to and they are my loving boyfriend, who has had to deal with me through the bad days, the mood swings, the guilt I feel after eating unhealthy and the list goes on. Second is my training partner (Christine Martin), who no matter what has always been there to encourage me and push me to my limits. If I were having a bad day I know I can go to her and she would make me feel better and want to push harder. And of course, my trainers (Chris Poulos and Angela Zakos from Godbody.me). Without them, I wouldn`t be where I am today.

To me it has become a lifestyle change and has made me who I am today. My journey is still far from over; however, since starting, I’ve lost 120 lbs! Not many people can say they lost an entire person! Although I’m extremely happy with my results and with my body today, I will never be completely satisfied. I always strive for more. Not in a bad way of course, I just want to be the best that I can possibly be, and I know that it all takes time and dedication.

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1. Be consistent and never give up on your goals

Life gets hectic and the path to success isn’t always a straight line. There will always be good days and bad days – just be consistent and push through and get to the best days of your life.

2. Don’t starve your body 

Make sure to always fuel your body with healthy, nourishing foods it needs. Nutrition is the #1 thing when you are looking to lose weight. And always make sure to drink plenty of water!

3. Stay focused

I highly recommend taking progress pics along the way. When you’re having a bad day, look back at these pics and how far you have come. Even if you’re just starting your journey, you’re already ahead of the rest of the people who continue to wait.

4. Believe in yourself

Always believe in yourself and remember why you started this journey. You are not doing this for anyone else but yourself. You have what it takes to make it possible!

5. Support system

Having a great support system is extremely important. There will always be people telling you that you are perfect the way you are. For me, I hated hearing that. I always had a select few people I could go to on a bad day who would push me to become better. In my opinion, once you start the journey, there is no end.

My last words of advice are to NEVER GIVE UP! If I can inspire just one person to want to make that lifestyle change; that alone makes me happy!

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Team Quest – We are here for you! Share your transformations and triumphs with us on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, or email them to us at [email protected]. Remember that these transformations took hard work, discipline and a plan. Quest products are a delicious component of, and not a substitute for, an exercise regimen and effective diet. The Quest Community is always there for you if you need help, inspiration or motivation!