The Rachel Mac Workout
Hesitant to start weight lifting? Men AND women benefit from this and Rachel Mac shows you how to do it!
Hesitant to start weight lifting? Men AND women benefit from this and Rachel Mac shows you how to do it!
httpv:// It’s one thing to go up a steep mountain. It’s another thing to go up by yourself. It’s a whole different game when you race up by yourself as quickly as possible and set a world record. In 2008, Swiss mountaineer Ueli Steck went up Eiger Mountain by himself in 2 […]
Salmon is a delicious and easy-to-cook fish with lots of healthy omega-3 fats, high protein and a days worth of vitamin d. Today we’ll show you a simple meal to cook with this great fish that is easy to make and tastest great! You will need: 1 salmon steak per person (3oz) Olive oil […]
KaHee is the owner of KaHee Fitness. She specializes in personal training and image consulting and is also an NPC Bikini Competitor. You can find KaHee on Facebook and Twitter. In this weeks QUESTions With, Kahee talks about keeping an open mind, being realistic, and always reaching for more. […]
KaHee was among the first of few people to try our new flavors. These are in prototype still, but we plan to release them in the next 6-8 weeks. Check out what KaHee thinks! httpv:// httpv:// What do you think? Excited to try them?
Rachel Mac is a frequent contributor to the Quest Blog. She is a commercial litigator in Chicago, Illinois, who lives a healthy lifestyle despite 12+ hours per day in the office. You can find Rachel on Facebook and on Twitter. In today’s QUESTions With… Rachel talks about women lifting heavy weights, over-restricting calories and […]
Kurt Weber talks about Quest Bars, the new flavors, and why they are the only bar he eats. httpv://
Kurt Weber was an All-American track athlete, and US National rugby player. He is now a Strength Coach at Cal Fullerton and private trainer, certified by NSCA-CSCS and USAW. In today’s QUESTions With, Kurt talks about eating well, talking too much and broad shoulders. What nutritional information have you learned […]
A great video review of QuestBars from NPC Bikini competitor KaHee. We hope to see more from her! httpv://