
Questify Recipes

Questified Buckeye Balls

If not for our cushy job at the Quest blog, we might have lived our whole lives without ever having Buckeye Balls. If you can even call that living! What a tragedy that would have been! Now our motto around the office is “why have one buckeye ball when you […]

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Questify Recipes

Questified Peppermint Bark Hot Chocolate

The Big Brains in the Quest Test Kitchen may have reached peak holiday season with their latest stunning innovation. Behold! Peppermint Bark Hot Chocolate! Like we tell those mad scientists every time, you were so concerned about whether you could, you didn’t bother to ask if you should. And each […]

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Questify Recipes

Questified Chocolate Cream Pie

At the Quest blog we’ve looked into it and found that the three words that sound best together in the entire English language are “chocolate cream pie”. Now we can’t exactly prove this, so what we suggest is this: prepare the following recipe for a Questified Chocolate Cream Pie, then […]

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