Transformation Tuesday | Making The Impossible, Possible


I moved to the United States from Puerto Rico when I was 4. I started playing baseball at a very young age and continued playing until high school. But after feeling “burned out” from the sport, I decided to call it quits to focus on my academics. At this point, I went from a very active lifestyle to a completely non-active one and my weight started to build up. Heading to college just made things worse. Since eating healthy seemed to be pretty expensive – many college students eat what they can, I was no different. Thus continued my weight gain.

Given that my weight was always in the back of my mind and being unsuccessful so many times – I decided to go to a lap band consultation. Hearing the requirements for the procedure, I decided against having the surgery.


It all really set in after a group of friends and I decided to take a little vacation in November 2011 to the Bahamas. Looking at some pictures afterwards, I noticed that that my weight had gotten to an all time high and I had to do something about it. My health was horrible and I was already starting to feel the effects of my families disposition to hypertension and diabetes. Something had to be done!

Single, 26, and just having come out of a four-year relationship that ended as a result of me being overweight, I set my goal to drop 100 pounds from the time we got back from the Bahamas in late November 2011 until my next trip which was in March 2012. I had a total of 4 months to try to reach this goal, and I was determined to have nothing stand in the way of accomplishing this goal.


I began by walking 45 minutes a day. Trying to do anything else was complete torture to my body and upping my risk for injury. Each week I would pick up the pace until I reached the point where I could jog the entire 45 minutes.

With the cardio, I started a high protein/low carb diet. Fish and chicken with a combination of fruits and vegetables became my best friends during this process. Coming from a Latin household, the food aspect was extremely difficult to stick with, but I was determined to do it! Going from eating rice and beans with fried chicken, fried plantains on a daily basis to grilled chicken and broccoli, was extremely hard.


I also had to put away all the sweets and soft drinks, which were my two favorite things in life. There was nothing like a Dr. Pepper with a Snickers bar – I can recall eating around 10 mini chocolate bars a day!

I didn’t completely eliminate carbs from my diet because they are a major source of our energy – instead, I used the “little rule”. If it was originally white in color, I eliminated it from my diet. This meant I avoided rice, pastas, breads, crackers and tortillas. Instead, I ate whole vegetables, whole fruits, and whole grain cereals.


When it came time to hang out with friends and eat out, I ordered a salad and made sure I ate it dry with absolutely no dressing – dressing takes the “healthy” out of the salad! I also stayed away from ketchup and mayonnaise, while completely removing sodas, juices and anything else that wasn’t water – I drink nothing but water!

I permitted myself one cheat meal a week – which usually fell on Friday nights. If I went out to dinner with my friends, I’d eat whatever I wanted – but I stuck to water as my beverage.

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The Saturday before the trip came… and with it, my final weigh-in. I was super excited to see that I reached my goal and had lost a total of 101 pounds! It took tons of hard word but I reached my goal.

I am currently at a total of 160 pounds – and my passion in life is to show others that their impossible is POSSIBLE. It just takes lots of drive, dedication, determination, and discipline. I’m now certified by ISSA as a personal trainer and absolutely love helping others reach their health and fitness goals!

Photo Oct 06, 6 21 28 PM

Other advice and tips…

  1. Never do it for anyone else! Do it for yourself, you deserve it!
  2. Surround yourself with positive people and those that will support you no matter what!
  3. Meal prepping is key and takes away the excuse of eating bad!
  4. Last but not least, BELIEVE in yourself! You have what it takes! Find that drive, dedication, determination, and discipline to make your impossible, POSSIBLE!

Follow Edwin on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram or on his official website!

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