Transformation Tuesday | A Race to the Winner’s Circle
In my early 20’s, I was a party girl much like a lot of people who live in New York during that age are. I would eat and drink like it was nothing, and enjoy my life. At the end of 2010, at my heaviest weight around 200 lbs.; I said to myself I should really join a gym and shed some of this weight. So, I joined New York Sports Club and after about a year of working out and still living in the party zone nothing was really changing. It was time to make a bigger move!
It took my sister getting engaged in January 2012 to really push me in the right direction. I didn’t want to walk down the aisle in a dress that fit like a garbage bag. I not only worked out even harder, I dedicated my life to being 100% healthy! I made smarter choices, cut down on drinking and eating bad, started taking vitamins, and basically cleaned out my body of toxins. I didn’t need a program, a trainer, a nutritionist, or diet pills. I needed to believe in myself! I made no excuses, I kept setting goals for myself and meeting them, changed my eating habits and started eating super clean and pushed myself and the weight started to melt off! I gained more confidence and lost 40 lbs. by the summer of 2012. I was on a Quest to be fit and healthy.
I’ve had a lot of support from my family, co-workers, friends who understood when I couldn’t go out and party as much, and most of all, my biggest supporter is my boyfriend, soul mate, best friend, and motivator John. We started dating at the end of 2012, but we knew each other since 2009 at my heaviest weight and he still thought I was just as beautiful as he says I am today. He notices a bigger and better change, and always wants me to keep reaching all my goals and dreams. Since I had already dropped weight for my sister’s wedding I thought it was okay to slack a little with lavish dinners and cheat meals. When you have someone who is as dedicated as I am, there’s no such thing as cheating – we always make the smarter choice!

It was a struggle losing this weight because the confidence wasn’t fully there but I overcame it. And now, at 27, I am a better person, more energetic, and able to conquer any dream I set for myself. Some people say I resemble my grandmother, Joan Barnard, more than ever because of her spunk, energy and positivity. If she wanted something, she went for it – and I’ve always wanted to follow in her footsteps. When she was diagnosed with early dementia back in 2008, it affected me in a way that I was unhappy and was helpless. I continued to gain weight, clothes were tighter, scales went up in numbers, and self-esteem was way down.
I’ve always wanted to make her happy. She was my biggest role model; a very independent woman, lover of life, family and friends. I not only lost this weight for me, I lost it for her. Just a little over three months ago, she lost her battle with dementia and I wanted to give up myself but I know she would be disappointed if I did. She always believed in me and she’s looking down on me from heaven and cheering me on.
I will never give up on becoming a better person. I will keep setting more goals for myself and meeting them every time. If you want something so bad, then go out and get it! Like my grandfather, Vincent Marra always said “You have to go in crooked to come out straight”. Things maybe hard when you first try them but there’s always a winner circle. You are not going to get where you want to be in life by sitting down. Get up and get out! Keep trying until you get where you want to be. Find your clean hunger for life, take control and conquer your dreams. Try your best every time to win the race! You will find this Quest will change your life!
You can find Kristin Marra at: