The 8 Types of People You’ll Meet At An eSports Event

Another familiar face within the League of Legends community, Travis Gafford is well known for his endearing post-game interviews of the top pros and witty quips on Twitter. Although Travis doesn’t prepare his own questions ahead of interviews, we we’re able to fire off some of our own to get to know the man behind the Yahoo Esports mic.
Name: Travis Gafford
Originally from?: San Diego
What do you do?: I’m a League of Legends journalist currently honing my craft at Yahoo Esports.
Why are you out here?: Ummm…money? And the pursuit of happiness, which I cannot find at home in Los Angeles. My understanding is that [in Las Vegas] you can take money, and purchase happiness… But in all seriousness, I’m here to cover the LCS Spring Finals for Yahoo eSports.
How do you define happiness?: Happiness is watching high intensity, high skill, and high entertainment League of Legends matches.
What do you love about the League community?: How cool it is to actually be in an arena, have the crowd go crazy, and have that sense of everyone coming together.
Any final words?: Follow our eSports coverage at Yahoo Esports!