The 8 Types of People You’ll Meet At An eSports Event

We saw an adorable couple taking a photo in front of the TSM wall and had to grab an interview. Turns out that not only do they play together, but he supports her. Like, really. She plays AD and he plays support. Isn’t that the cutest thing ever?
Names: Moying & Justin
Hometowns: San Francisco & Oakland
Do you guys play League together?: Justin: Yeah, we play together. It’s actually funny because we’re both AD Carry mains so…We usually duo bot and I support her.
Moying: Sometimes we switch!
Justin: Yeah, sometimes…
What brought you guys here?:
Justin: Well…my impulse spending (he laughs) she hasn’t been to vegas since she turned 21 so I wanted to bring her here. And what better excuse than to also come watch an eSports event!
How’s your experience so far?:
Justin: Well, not so good. We’re clearly biased, she’s a TSM fan.
Moying: So are you!
Justin: That’s true, but I’m also a FNATIC (European LCS team) fan so I had a worse time. The event was fun but the results were….not. Coming here was really cool. This was probably the biggest venue I’ve ever seen a League of Legends event in. This was really high up there on the eSports production value and the overall experience was amazing. But I really hated the ending of game 5.