The 8 Types of People You’ll Meet At An eSports Event

Brittany is living the dream – she turned her passion for gaming into a job in eSports. Starting off as a broadcaster, then fine-tuning her photography craft, and finally taking a role at Twitch as a community program manager, Brittany embodies the eSports professional. We got her take on what it’s like to work in an industry that allows her to be a part of the awesome League community.
Name: Brittany Brown
Originally from?: Northridge, California.
What do you do?: I’m a community program manager at Twitch, with a focus on the League community.
How did you get your start in eSports?: I started at USC’s collegiate program — my sister introduced me to it— and then I started following League during Season 3 Worlds and my mind was blown at how amazing eSports is, specifically League of Legends.
How did you turn your passion into a job?: I started doing interviews within the League of Legends scene and then published my own podcast, so it all grew from there and now I’m at Twitch!
What did you think of the NALCS Spring Finals?: I thought it was awesome! I loved how Riot considered the layout of this venue to give fans throughout the arena an enjoyable experience.
What did you think of the 5-game finale?: It was awesome that it went to 5 games because it made the series way more climactic. Plus game 5 went to 45 mins, all the players were at — or close to — full builds so it was cool to see the game come down to the very last fight.
Last words?: Keep supporting the League community! You guys are awesome!