The 8 Types of People You’ll Meet At An eSports Event

Kubz91 is a professional eSports coach and an avid strategist of League of Legends. Although he said that this wasn’t the cleanest series he’s seen, Kubz enjoyed the highly climactic 5-game battle between TSM and CLG.
Name: Kublai “Kubz91” Barlas
Originally from?: Canada
What do you do?: I’m a League of Legends coach! I’ve been in the LCS – one time with Complexity and since then I’ve worked in EU with Copenhagen Wolves and Team Huma.
What a series! what are your reactions to it?: Well, this meta favors TSM — tank tops, carry junglers, and melee supports — but surprisingly CLG pulled through which shows their resilience as an organization and a team. It was a really good series!
How was this event for you?: Definitely top two. Right after [last year’s finals at] Madison Square Garden when we saw TSM and CLG again.
Last words?: I’m looking for an LCS team to coach so if you want an experienced League of Legends manager hit me up on Twitter!
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